Screen Flicker


Hey I've noticed that occassionally the bottom right hand corner of my emacs screen flickers/ ripples slightly. It's barely noticable infact. It only goes on for maybe 2seconds then just stops. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? Theres nothing around the computer that could cause interferance, unless its wires in the wall behind maybe?

Thanks for any help.
Probably because it's a CRT, and they can be subject to various kinds of interference. If it's not very attention-worthy, I'd say ignore it. You should have seen this Apple monitor at my high school... picture jumped all over.
Yea, I just wanted to make sure it's not the start of a bigger problem. How long is Apples basic warranty, incase something does go wrong, 1 year?
yep, one year. If your within the warranty period, don't wait, call Apple now.
UPDATE: Haven't called Apple yet, mainly because I'm lazy. I noticed just now though, that the 'ripple' seems to happen when im playing music. Could vibrations from the emac speakers or something else relating to the speakers cause this? or is it coisidence.
Move the speakers away from the machine and see if you still have the ripple.
They're the built in ones under the monitor. It was just on one song I played, I wondered if the vibrations from the bass in certain songs could effect the screen somehow? -paranoia-
It could, but it wouldn't have a permanent effect on it. Try changing the equalizer settings in your music player.