screen flickers in 10.2


my screen started to flicker badly as i switched to 10.2. i'm using a gforce3 (agp, 64 mb) on my sawtoth 400mhz g4 (256 mb ram).
i think its due to texture-swapping (because it only flickers whenever i change something inside a window, or resize it (so a new texture needs to be loaded into the graph. ram) moving windows around doesnt hurt at all. ne1 else having the same probs? need help PLS (can i turn the fuckin QE OFF??), my eys hurt.
my screen is running on 85hz, and it doesnt flicker if nothings changed on the screen or the change is something, that doesnt need new textures, like windows-dragging. but with every letter i type, or with any scrolling i do, comes flickering. (3d opengl -app dont flicker, but than again... not much texture-swapping here... my doom-osx-port flickers, maybe because its not 3d-acc, so every frame here is a new texture 4 opengl.... my eyes hurt ;) )