screen is black


that's it. the screen is black and stays black no matter what. It's an iBookG4. it's very hot after it's been left off maybe 24 hours; when i turn it on, there is a turn-on sound followed by 3 beeps--and that is all that I can get it to do.

thanks for any help (in simple easy-to-understand words)
Have you tinkered with your RAM lately? Shut down, unplug, remove your RAM module(s) and reinstall making absolutely they are seated firmly. Plug in & 'attempt' to restart.

If same, likely your RAM is bad.

1 or 2 beeps is usually RAM; 3 is worse, and very likely is your HD, but reseating the RAM will cost you nothing but a few minutes. Worth a try.

In any case, it's hardware related. If you're uncomfortable with opening up your iBook, youj'll need an Authorized Apple Repair Facility.
the tech gave up on me after leading me through all of these processes and moved me to an open (and generous) forum. since then, the tech responded to what i saw on my dauntless expedition into the hitherto unexplored interior of my mac only to discover that there was no dr. livingston--i mean RAM card (it would have been extra memory)--which, he tells me, leaves me with an old computer that would cost $200 to repair.

however, there is a netflix movie still unretrievable unless someone knows something even netflix doesn't know--or some method (tweezers?) that might be used when one no longer worries about damaging the computer.

any ideas on that?

thanks for responding,