Screen Problem


OK... I did a stupid thing last night. As I was cleanup around my iMac 400 slot load machine I knocked the powercord out and of course the machine shutdown. But when I rebooted the computer the screen now shows up a DARK purple/blue and is warped. I tried rebooting a couple of time hoping it would go back to normal. But no luck. I need your expert advice on what the problem could be. I am running 10.2 is that helps any.

Please, any help would be appreciated!!

You might have a fired monitor. Have your tried booting with the OS CD? Have your run the Disk Utility? Have you tried booting with Norton Utilities (Version 7.0 is for OS X)?

When you got your iMac, did it come with the Apple Hardware test CD? I am not sure when Apple started including those. You can boot from that and it will tell you exactly what the problem is if it is a hardware issue.
Thanks for the response Cheryl,

I haven't tried those solutions yet, but I will give all them a try. Wish me luck :)
Well, everything suggested by Cheryl didn't work. I guess my only option is to take it into Apple and have them look at it. Damn... this really sucks!!!

If anyone else has any other suggestion, I would appreciated it.


Well, I had the same thing happen recently on two 350 iMacs. Brought the first one to the local Apple Store and was told...

"It can be a $200 repair or a $500 repair, but we have to do the $200 repair to see whether or not it needs the $500 repair."

I bought a new 933 G4 with a 17" Apple Display when the first went, and an eMac when the second went. :)

Sounds like your analog video board is fritzed.

Good luck!
