Screen Shots in other format than PDF


Cube is Trinity...
Does some1 know a way to have screen sgots saved in other format than PDF ?

Third party softwares does not satisfy me so I'm looking for a way to change it in the system.

I tried with Snapz Pro X, works fine but does not really want to pay 50$ for a screen shot :s. There was also this control panel (sry forgot the name), but I was never able to change scree, shots format.

Thanks a lot in adavnce.
Why not using the free screenshot tool from apple (just have the german term ;)) and than change the format with any photoediting-tool? Graphicconverter for example...
What tool from Apple ?
Screenshots made by OSX are in PDf format by default. I f you want to make them pictures, u have to go by Acrobat than export it to image than only you can edit them with GC, that I'm using all the time btw.
Problems are the time and the quality: far too long process for a screenshot and quality is really too bad.

Tha's why I want to have something else than Apple one !
Iris, I'm trying your lil Soft right now.
Yeah that's not bad at all ... but one or two things i don't like: Soft must be running to use Key combinaison ! Or I've missed something ;)
So you have to first open the soft, then you can use Keys :/.
Lil menu in bar is nice but it keeps the Soft open after usage.

Any ways to avoid these ? any tips of use ?

Thx in advance :D
I´m using Grab (Utilities folder in the Applications folder) and with this I can save (only) in TIFF format...

and it is free.
Yup! Grab'it was what I was talking about.
Follow lumikkos advice and if tiff is not satisfying you, than change in any other editing software...
No other utilities needed... Just take the screenshot in PDF format and then double click on it... will open... Select File menu and then Export... From there you can chose MANY image formats from the Format: option...

Enjoy! ;)

PS. If does not open when you double click the .pdf files CTRL(control)+Click any .pdf file and select Get Info... From there select the Open With and set the .pdf files to use the and then click Change All... If you want so! :p
hmm ... I said up in this thread that this solution was not suitable for me. It is too much time consuming and the quality is not good enough.
I hate Grab's interface. So I capture in PDF and convert with Goldberg, free utility, exports to all I need and it can crop pictures (Preview can't).
Originally posted by Smash
hmm ... I said up in this thread that this solution was not suitable for me. It is too much time consuming and the quality is not good enough.

I read about Acrobat in your postings and methinks that Acrobat and are 2 different thinks ;) Did you actually tried the export and you found it problematic? If not give it a shot! :D
Yeah actually I did ...
Even if quality if lil better, but still not enough ... still have the problem of time :s
I know you're trying hehe but no that solution's not for me :D
Had tried it before posting here !

I'm searching for a solution like snapz ... but not for that much money ! Or for a change in OSX itself, I know it is possible coz i've seen it once.
I was hoping some1 knew and would be able to tell me how to do this.
I have the same problem, Smash. Heree's my workaround:

I use ctrl-apple-shift-4 to do my screenshots. That key command puts the image into the clipboard instead of pdf, so then I just paste it into goldberg or fireworks or whatever image app I wanted the screenshot in.

There is another app out there that is an icon on your desktop you can drag a bunch of pdfs onto and it makes jpgs out of them... I think it was pdf2jpg or something like that.

That was something like that I was searching for :D
Now just have to do that and to create new image from clipboard in GraphicConvertor. Result is fine.

Thanks a lot !
wait SMASH!!

there IS the App. You wanted:
it´s called
"ScreenShot Plus" and You find it on
does Screenshot in JPG !!!!
Look here for a way of changing in what format the screenshot is saved.

Depending on what you do, this might also interest you.
So I f I understand clearly: u just have to log in your temrinal as su then type
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleScreenShotFormat JPEG (if you want it in JPEG) and it's ok ?
Should work. Don't know whether su is necessary. Trying wont break anything, AFAIK.

You can check out how defaults work with man defaults. You can also get a (very long) list of all the settings there with defaults read [domain].