Screen shrinks


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Hello, I have noticed an error on bot my iMac 333MHZ and my Brothers iMac 266MHZ running the same os (mac os X 10.1.5)

The problem is that the screen shrinks after waking up. What is causing this error and how do I fix it?
How much is the change, the video is basically shut off during sleep, when waking, your vid adjustments may change a little as your video warms up
it is about 2cm around and it dose not go back to normal after warm up. It dose go back to normal if I go to Displays (sys Preffs) and change the width and length back.
Hmm, I think I've heard of this. If I remember correctly you can get the settings to stick if you change them from Mac OS 9. I seem to remember there was something about "Classic" implicated in this issue, but don't take my word on it. A search of Apple's discussion forums might shed more light on the problem.