Screensaver Rollout Apple Remote Desktop 3


We have about 50 OS X Macs all administered on Apple Remote Desktop 3. I have managed to configure the power setting so that they are all the same and various other things but I’m really stuck on the Screen saver.

I’d like to copy the company logo tweaked OS X screen saver settings from one Mac to all the managed Macs on ARD3. Does anyone know which files I would need to copy into which location from the correctly configured screen saver Mac or is there a better way of doing this with ARD3?

Many thanks

'Does anyone know which files I would need to copy into which location' - '' is in each user's '~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/' folder'; where 'x' is the 'Ethernet: MAC Address' (without the separator ':'s) of that individual Mac.

Also, inside the '' file is the 'lastPictureDirectoryChosen' entry, which provides a hard coded (to that specific user's Mac) path.
Cheers, so they are the files I need to copy across. Is there a way of copying the file required and then automatically amending the file name to have the required Ethernet: MAC Address or will I have to manually amend this?
'Is there a way of copying the file required and then automatically amending [or renaming - barhar] the file name to have the required Ethernet: MAC Address ...' - yes. One way is via an AppleScript applet or script, or UNIX script - as per 'AppleScript Remote Desktop Suite', Section 'C' in the 'Apple Remote Desktop' "Administrator's Guide.pdf' file.

'... or will I have to manually amend this?' - not 'will I have to manually' but - 'optionally can I'.