Screenshots of longhorn

One has to wonder what the hell these people are doing in this forum if they aren't interested in the name in the title. (macosx?) Maybe I should've read all 5 pages, but I figured it was just like every other mac vs win thread since ::loud echoing voice:: THE DAWN OF TIME....

Oh and I'm sure that MS named this one longhorn and made the cute logo to cut into UT Austin's traditionally higher mac support. There I go adding to the fire.
Originally posted by dave17lax
Oh and I'm sure that MS named this one longhorn and made the cute logo to cut into UT Austin's traditionally higher mac support. There I go adding to the fire.

boo! down with t-sips! for that reason alone i'm sure never to touch it! i'll wait until mac comes out with iAggie or something ^_^.
Well if you look at the the chain of responses, you will see that is was the Macers who started the debate. And I can't believe you guys still here while i went and studied an exam.

You guys have something to do on your macs other then post here?
I'm not too sure about the other guys here but I've been decorating for a hall halloween party for my dorm. When I was waiting for something else to do I came back to my room to check the forums.

Are you just sad because you don't feel as adamant about your computer as some here or is it just because you realized you were wrong? Regardless of who starts it you do really like to egg it on.

The post was settling down until you now try to throw something else into the mix. When you're wrong instead of trying to bring up another point why don't you try to just let the topic die. Personaly I don't feel the need to prove myself to you. I think I'm done here.

Man the lifeboats! lifejackets on! This post is going under... FAST!
Originally posted by ManicDevlin

You guys have something to do on your macs other then post here?

On the contrary. Do you have something better to do with your PC other than post in a Mac forum? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Rhino_G3
Well, 2 days ago actualy. I replaced my 350 G3 with a 550 overclocked to 650. I'm waiting until January to buy a new comp.

What happens if Apple has little/nothing new to offer in January (in terms of system architecture)? I'm not trying to bash the platform. I am just wondering when Apple will make credible improvements.
They can't wait too long without providing a solution for those here who, despite having systems on the higher end of Apple's product line, still think OS X is slow, let alone those with lower end Macs.
Maybe I do. Like I said, I'm just tired of the Mac vs PC thing. You may be too for all I know. I do like seeing what microsoft is doing, just in a tasteful way, without all the bickering. Oh well, thankfully this discussion is done.
It will be a mediocre update. I really don't care though. I figured I'll buy a computer whenever I need it. I'm beginning to now. When that's slower than what I need I'll start upgrading again. More than likely that won't be for a while, just like the computer I'm using now.

I think everybody is banking on the next major processor switch. Namely, right now everybody thinks it's going to be the IBM 970. Word is that it'll be produced mid to late next year. There have been a few threads on that processor both here and at slashdot if you'd like to see what it'll entail.
I've seen the info, but thanks. I hope the rumors are true (or there is something better that hasn't been revealed).
And, you're right, this discussion should end here. Or, at least, go back to the original topic. :-)
Originally posted by n4cer
What happens if Apple has little/nothing new to offer in January (in terms of system architecture)? I'm not trying to bash the platform. I am just wondering when Apple will make credible improvements.
They can't wait too long without providing a solution for those here who, despite having systems on the higher end of Apple's product line, still think OS X is slow, let alone those with lower end Macs.

As a PC user you don't seem to understand Mac users in general don't care about whether or not their Macs are the latest and fastest.

As long as their Mac does what the they need it for, most Mac users are perfectly content.

Mac are typically not gaming machines so a new video card and CPU every year is not necessary.

IE and Office v. X are going to run just as good on that 450 MHz G4 with a 8 MB Rage Pro as they would on a 1GHz G4 with a 64 MB Radeon 9700.

Having to have the fastest processor is something breed into PC-fanatics who are likely more concerned with playing video games than actually doing some real work.

While I do agree, Mac OS X feels considerably less responsive on old and even new hardware compared to other OSs, Mac users either a) don't realize it, b) don't care, or c) are in denial.

So in closing, if Apple produces little to nothing in terms of hardware come January, some Mac users will be disappointed but for the most part, most could care less either way.

My concern with new Mac hardware is not so much in that its necessary, but considering the war that Apple is attempting to wage on the PC, they really have little to show to make the average PC user want to switch. Unfortunately, OS X alone isn't going to do it, especially considering the price of Mac hardware compared to PC.
i read the news on architosh about the G4, the superfast moto processor they took away, and the Power PC 970. Seems like it is panning out well enough for my tastes.
I'm not concerned with raw speed and certainly think people switch to mac because of quality and plug and play.
Longhorn looks to long to wait for an operating system of any kind. People are making assumptions that Microsoft will blow all the competition out of the water.
There will always be minority computer users, "Be, Mac, Linux,Palm, Sun..etc."
Let the meek inherit the earth.
There is no average computer user anymore. With the creation of these operating systems it's been engraved into our civilization. There is though the new computer user who will look at the macintosh or wintel and than decide what they want. Simple.
Longhorn will have tons of advertising and people will use it and maybe switch to mac in 2004. Who knows!
Actually, what sounds like a JFS hack may or may not be introduced in 10.2.2.

Switching to a true JFS would mark the demise of HFS+.

It is likely to be introduced in 10.3 because you're going to need more than a patch to accomplish that. Most likely a format and reinstallation which 10.3 would provide the install media to do so.

As for the pictures of Longhorn, they are completely fake.