k brand name not important, I have a secondary 40 gig hd that didn't get formatted right to be used on my mac, it worked great at first but slowly over time when accessed will freeze the machine, unfreeze, then close out the finder and then that will restart by itself. I do the disk utility to verify and repair but that doesn't always work. I have no real way to just get the info off the disk if i'm unable to access it. I can't just get it up long enough to get the data over to my main hd, that has only 3 gigs left and i'm using almost 15 gigs on the secondary. I could also put it in a windows box and see if that gives is access to get the data off then do a format for the mac. but I have no access to a windows box for that. anyone know of any software(prefer freeware due to being an extremely poor college studen) that can fix my problem without doing a format or any suggestions that may help before a full format is used?