Screwed up royally. Downgraded graphics drivers now mac wont boot


Hi guys,

I was trying to get Diablo 2 to work on my map so I following the following guide

and downgraded my 10.5.6 mac to the 10.5.2 graphics driver despite the clear warning. I thought it only applied to 10.5.5 macs and not 10.5.6

so now my macbook wont boot!

when I turn it on there is the grey start screen and it eventually turns blue, then grey again and freezes. all I can do is scroll my mouse around

I KNOW I am an idiot but how can I fix this now???

It wont boot any of the install CDs.. ive tried everything I can think of.

I am still under apple care coverage. will this require a hardware fix. am I royally screwed or can I fix this myself by opening terminal or something. the problem is the screen refuses to display my desktop. its probably still there in the background since i can scroll my mouse around but it wont display it

It won't boot the original installation disc even? That seems rather strange, sounds like a hardware problem...
sorry. i didnt actually try that.

yes! it boots the installation disk and I can even open the terminal...!

now all I need is to find out what to type into the terminal... any help!
With the installation disc booting, I'd say archive & install (do some searching about what it actually does) is the way to go.
Replace the driver with the one you had previously and that you of course backed up before you made the driver downgrade. So either via single user mode or from terminal form the install disc.