SCSI Cards in 10.2?


I hear there are a lot of problems with SCSI cards in 10.2. Does anybody have a set up with a SCSI card that works well in 10.2?

If so, could you please tell me what type of SCSI card you have?


G4 733 Quicksilver, 1.5 GB RAM
I use an Orangemicro Grappler 906F with the latest driver and firmware under 10.2 with no problems. Deep sleep works fine.

I use it with an external CD-R, and it is fine for that. This card would be too slow for use with hard disks, however.
Adaptec PowerDomain 2930U cards can do 20MB/sec. This is twice the speed of the Orangemicro card, but slower than the ATA66 bus in your Mac, so, no, I wouldn't consider it for use with disks.

If you want to boot from SCSI disks, get a faster Adaptec PowerDomain card, like the 29160N, or an ATTO card. These are much more expensive, and I'm not sure they allow deep sleep, but AFAIK they do work under Jag.
PowerDomain 2940 off of eBay for 1$, yes one dollar :)

Works fantastic, after I reinstalled OS9 to update its firmware (Apple profiler found NO firmware onboard??) -- works great now, two 68 pin 10k 9gig Quantum Atlas disks, one 7200 IBM 9 gigger, and a huge ide drive in my B&W.

And yes, Soft-RAID doesn't seem to work, oh well.
I can't get my SCSI APS CD-R/RW to work since I installed Jaguar...It's actually a Yamaha burner inside the APS enclosure. Anyone know how I might get it to work? I used to have to use this helper program in 10.1.x and that allowed the system to see the drive, but now that helper program won't work.

Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks