Search for files without a label


Is there a way to search for files within a folder tree that have a specific label or, more what I want, that do not have a label at all? I have a folder tree that contains a large number of files, a small number of which do not have a Finder label assigned, but I cannot convince the folder search (Spotlight) to show me the files that do not have a label.
Do your search of that folder in a Finder window and add to the search criteria menu the label criterion. Choose File label from the menu and click the X.
OK, so I defined the smart folder with the following criteria (I aded line breaks to make it easier to read (the last criteria is created less than 15 days ago):
(true) &&
(((kMDItemContentTypeTree = &&
(kMDItemFSLabel = 0) &&

This worked when defined, and if a file is in the list and I assign a label it is removed from the list. Cool.

However, when the list is empty and I create a new file that should match the criteria, when I click on the smart folder in the sidebar it still comes up empty! I cannot locate a refresh button or right-click option. The only way I have found to have it refresh is to show the search criteria and make a small change (and then change it back and even save it again).

Why does the folder not refresh automatically or on demand? What am I missing?