Searching for hidden files


I have a file in the /usr directory, which belongs to the group Wheel, i am in the admin group.
Spotlight does not return any results from the /usr directory
I thought of two solutions - add myself to Wheel or enable spotlight to search /usr directory - neither of which i am able to do.

Could some one instruct me how to do this?

This reply is not 'Spotlight' related; but - provides two ways to open the '/usr/' folder:

First, download and launch 'TinkerTool' (freeware).
Click on 'TinkerTool's 'Finder' toolbar icon.
Click on the 'Finder options:' 'Show hidden and system files' check box - to add a check mark.
Click on the 'Relaunch Finder' button.

A: Opening '/usr/' via 'Finder':
01. Select 'Finder's 'Go, Go to Folder...' menu item. A window titled 'Go to Folder' will appear, or a sheet will appear on the front most window - with a 'Go to the folder:' text edit field.
02. Enter ...


... and click on the 'Go' button.

B: Opening '/usr/' via 'Terminal' ('/Applications/Utilities/' folder):
01. Launch 'Terminal'.
02. Enter ...

open /usr/

... and press the <return> key.

To once again hide the originally hidden files ...
Launch 'TinkerTool'.
Click on 'TinkerTool's 'Finder' toolbar icon.
Click on the 'Finder options:' 'Show hidden and system files' check box - to remove the check mark.
Click on the 'Relaunch Finder' button.