Searching for MacOSX-AppleScripts


Hi to you all!
One of the things that will definitely change with MacOS X is the way we script our Macintosh...
I'm the admin of the ScriptBuilders page (download area) at MacScripter.Net and would like to launch a new category there: AppleScripts for MacOS X.

So if anyone of you has already done one or more scripts in MacOS X and would like to share them with the worldwide AppleScript community, please send them to me along with a short description and your name/e-mail.

Greetings from northern Germany!

/??g that may limit the number of OS X scripts you receive is the current status of AppleScript in the PB. From Apple's OS X and Applescript page:
Accordingly, at this stage in the development of Mac OS X, many of the existing scripting features of Mac OS 9 have yet to be implemented. Folder Actions, scripting of network settings, desktop printing, uploading and downloading files, CGI support, Program Linking, Speech Recognition, Control Panels, window management, and copying, deleting, and moving files have not been put in place at this time. These items will be addressed later in the development process.
I couldn't get a desktop position manager to work (modifying a free one from OS 9), and think it was due to the lack of finish in AppleScript.

Still, what's there is pretty impressive!
