secret webmail location


There is a web mail site for users and i been asking for years (literally) why on earth is there NO LINK TO THE WEBMAIL PAGE anywhere on this site or on the main page. There is TONS of info on how to buy the service, and plenty of info on how to set up your IMAP client and there is even a link to the company that makes the webmail software BUT NO WHERE DOES IT SAY WHERE TO LOG IN TO THE WEBMAIL!!!!!!!!!! I been asking.. and asking and i ask nice and i ask nasty and beg and i cry but seems determined to keep the URL of the webmail top secret. For the love of all that is holy.. please put a link SOMEPLACE where your paying customers can find it. GRRRRRRRR * 10000000000 ... This is infuriating!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

angry frustrated LONG TIME customer!!!

kevin at you know where yo.
Wow. I also was of the impression that they'd got rid of the webmail ages ago, when they changed their plans and pricing options. It annoyed me mildly at the time. While I'm pleased to see that I still have a webmail interface, I would not have known this had I not spotted this thread. Thanks kp8.

Edit: Wow, I never appreciated how well the spam filter works until I just opened my email inbox on the webmail. 19 of my first 20 messages were spam.