Security Update Broke Mail and iChat



After installing the update, Mail and iChat bounce a few times then just stop. The crash log for Mail is

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x90686558 in class_lookupNamedMethodInMethodList
#1 0x9068a898 in _objc_bindClassIfNeeded
#2 0x9068ab6c in _objcInit
#3 0x8fe0901c in call_image_init_routines
#4 0x8fe133a0 in _dyld_make_delayed_module_initializer_calls
#5 0x000045fc in 0x45fc
#6 0x00004490 in 0x4490
#7 0x000043f0 in 0x43f0

Any thoughts beyond "It works for me?"
Is this the 2003-03-03 update? I finally installed it yesterday (26th so I'm slow) and find today that:
icab can't find it's hotlist file
icab won't open mail when i click on a mailto link
mail won't open http links in anything at all when i click on them
!!! my password has been changed!!!
how do i get rid of this piece of trash??
This is getting scarier!
I just went to preferences - users to try to fix the password problem. Sure enough, the number of characters in the password had changed. So i put the correct password back in. i still can't log into terminal using that password. so i created a new user with a new password. again, i can't use that in terminal.
please help. is there any way out of this mess short of re-installing 10.1 from disk?
(and what kind of usability factor is that to have a system upgrade force me to reinstall the entire system?)

i think i also upgraded iphoto and itunes at the same time.