Seeing 300gigs on G4 400


It's been formatted NTFS but I plan to reformat it but it seems to only see 128 gigs, what can I do to see the full 300 gigs of space I have?

Running on a

G4 400mhz
PCI graphics verison.

thanks ahead of time.
You either need to install an ATA PCI card to connect the hard drive to, or you need to install this software:

The thing is that the computer you referenced doesn't support 48-bit LBA, and thusly can only use 128GB of any hard drive you stick in there... even if you try to get sneaky and say, "Hey, I'll just make multiple 128GB partitions!" it won't work -- it's 128GB per hard drive, not per partition.
Sick! I think I have a sonnet ATA PCI card in my old 450, I'll look for it. Thakns I have some options now..
No PCI card but could I get away with it if I was to use a Firewire enclosure or would I run into the same issue if I was to reformat it?
I have a FW enclosure that has the same problem, so if you're just re-using an old one that had a small drive in it, you might end up at the same problem again. But I don't think you could buy one of those new anymore...