Seeing files in a zipped archive


New win to Mac switcher here. I can't seem to find a program that will let me see the list of files in an zipped archive. Is there something out there?
Use Terminal

Type 'man -k zip' (without the quote marks). This will give you a short listing of the functions available for the zip utility.

At the bottom of the list you'll find zipinfo which is a command to list the contents of a zip archive.

For example: Let's say you have a zipped file in your Documents folder named

Start Terminal and type 'ls' (no quotes again and not for the remainder of what I'm explaining)

You'll see a listing which includes Documents. Type 'cd Documents'

Type 'ls' again and you should see your file

Now type 'zipinfo' and you'll have a listing of every file in the zipped archive.
Your prayers have been answered (in Leopard) in Zip Quick Look Plugin. Download the plugin and follow the ReadMe to install it.

Once it is installed go to the top left Apple (in the Finder menu) and select Force Quit and Relaunch the Finder. Then select and highlight a zip file and press the space bar. A window will pop up showing the contents of the zip file.
The install disk for Leopard came with my machine, but I'm not ready to upgrade yet.

BetterZip has been working well for me. Just in case someone else is looking :>)