Seeing OS9 from X... Well most of the time anyway...


Hi All,

Lurked on these forums a while a answered most my questions reading other posts! Haven't managed to find this one though nd I have lost enough hair trying to solve figure it...

Network of several Macs, 3 now upgraded to OSX 10.3.1. However I have a slight problem in that browsing the network on one of the OSX machines will only show other OSX machines. Whereas the other two will browse and show the entire network (OS7 to OS9 machines included!). I have checked and double checked and as far as I can see, the settings are identical. So why will one OSX machine work and not another!?
3 machines in question are:
G5& G4 quicksilver working okay.
G4 500 is not.

Rest of network are various G3's and imacs.

All machines configured to run on TCP/IP with fixed IP addresses.

Any help appreciated!

I've had this issue as well. My iMac runs both OS 9 and OS X, but the G3 runs 9 only. I can connect to the iMac from the G3, but not the other way around when the iMac's booted into OS X.

I've tried to connect to the G3 with the Connect to Server option, but it doesn't go through. Connecting the other way, from the G3 to the iMac, works just fine with either OS (though the login name changes...).
So are we to assume it is some kind of bizarre networking anomaly between different machines?

Have you got File Sharing over TCP/IP enabled in OS9? This would appear to make the machines appear in the Network Browser, and if not the Connect to Server Option allows me to log into them. I thought OSX and Appletalk was designed to work seamlessly? Especially as I was try to avoid setting up TCP/IP on the "older" machines.

Any words of wisdom anyone!?

I'm not sure if it's an anomaly or just incompatibility. I can't test it right now, though, as my OS X installation is currently hosed.
OS 9 typically uses AppleTalk for networking, so let's try this:

On the OS X machines, open up Directory Access (it's in the Utilities folder) and put a check next to "AppleTalk." Apply the settings with the "Apply" button and then check to see if those OS X machines can see the OS 9 machines now.
No problem, hehe... I actually just guessed that's what it might be as I worked for a few years in a shop that primarily used OS 8/9 machines, and remember the little quirks and anomalies we went through with AppleTalk.

AppleTalk used to be enabled by default in OS X 10.2.x, but is disabled by default in OS X 10.3 for some reason. I think Apple's trying to phase out AppleTalk, since it is an older protocol and typically a tad slower than other protocols (it's too 'chatty' -- there's always activity on an AppleTalk network, even if no one's doing anything over the network).

Anyway, glad that fixed the problem!

You just saved me a few more clumps of hair. I never even thought of looking their. All works perfectly now, other machines were fine because they were upgraded from 10.2..this one was a fresh install.

