Seek Capture card for HD-Tv/Satellite/Cable


After a recent windfall i'm seeking to build a g5 to be my home media center, including functionality as a PVR for current dtv and future HDTV signals, but i've been running into confusion.

For one it seems like there are separate pieces of hardware for dealing with HDTV cable/satellite and normal over the air :confused: .

For another there are apparently mandatory DRM schemes (separate from the broadcast flag) being pushed into HD cable/satellite providers by the MPAA which i'd rather not have restricting my home recording:( . (I'm not interested in uploading to the internet, and want the right to choose which format and compression i use to archive my home recordings)

I've been pointed to products like eyetv but am unsure as to weather their capability extends beyond the reception of over the air HD signals, and have also been pointed to alchemy tv, but that does not support HD.

I'm interested in weather anyone here can point me to a product which has the functionality of alchemy and catch-all HD capability, or can be modified post-purchase to have such functionality.

(note: i'm not afraid to get my hands dirty compiling/using open source software/drivers if that's necessary, though after capability standards are met, stability and usability would be useful) :)