Seem to have destroyed my iMac?! HELP!!


Righty ho,

i was playing around with the dock, where you can change the style and look of it, no probs was all good. But then, I noticed my right click did not work on the dock anymore...

I looked up a few sites on the net and it told me to do something with some different files, and apparently that should have fixed the problem. Well it didn't...I ended up with my dock still not right clicking, and also my trash can, finder and safari icons missing.

Then, I tried to reboot the computer to see if it would fix itself, it didn't.

My dock has completely dissappeared, no where to be found, right click will not work anywhere now! also, my desktop background is bright blue and wont change.

I have ran disk check, Onyx... no joy!

Anyone got any ideas??
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First off, Click on your Apple Menu in the top left, Go down to dock, and turn Auto Hiding Off.

Then push Apple Shift A, and drag safari down to the bottom of your screen, and see if it will allow you to put it back.

Altering Files usually never fixes anything, especially when you don't know what your dong (no offense)

Try that!

i think its a lost cause, you should just let me have it. and ill give it a good home. lol jk. maybe you should turn off auto hidiing like they suggested. good luck
Go into system preferences/accounts and see if your account is listed as admin or standard. Sounds like you may have deleted some important stuff and your account changed to a standard account.