Selling websites via iweb


is it possible to publish an iweb site and sell it to a business, or do users have to have iweb to use it?
is there a program you can arrange to be downloaded so that people can update photos or blogs on their website, or is it left up to me to make any alterations for them using my iweb.
I cannot find an answer on this anywere on the internet, and im frustrated.
any help would be great.
I doubt businesses would buy an iWeb site to be honest, it is a bit like selling graphics done in Microsoft Paint or page layout done in text edit. Unless you are very cheap and they have little cash there are many better options.

That said as far as I am aware it would be by far the easiest for them to have iWeb. As I understand it iWeb writes pretty incomprehensible code and you wouldn't want to edit it yourself. There are programs for contributing to websites like Adobe Contribute but they are more expensive than iWeb and setup for Dreamweaver-based sites anyway.

If you want to sell a business an easy to make site that they can update, use a Content Management System - many hosting companies will automatically install these for you and making templates for them is not too hard.
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Sorry one more thing in relation to a contact management system, can u explain simply how it works, as in do it mean that everytime you build and sell a website that the person or business must buy a contact mangagement system, is this correct? am i making sense here?? :D
A CMS is a piece of software that produces a website - you install it on your webserver then just plug in the pictures and words and it builds the code.

They use 'themes' to determine how the pages look, which you can edit, Once set up with a theme, you can add/edit/remove content (text, images etc) via a web interface.

Well known free CMS systems include drupal, joomla and even the WordPress blogging platform (which I have used to make quick, simple sites). Check the sites, most have demo installations you can use.

Your issue here is more likely that this stuff id well known, cheap if not free and readily available so you may find customers unprepared to pay much for it. Do you already have a customer or are you looking to set up a business?

If you want to be a 'real' web designer i suggest investing in Dreamweaver and the other adobe products and getting training somewhere, it is far from cheap but is th professional option.
content, not contact. there are lots of different content management systems. also open source systems. they're certainly not as easy to set up as an iWeb page, though. look for them online and choose one or two that you find suits your needs and/or the needs of your customers. often, they rely on PHP and MySQL on the server side.