Sendmail & 10.2 Problems


I'm going insane trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my sendmail, and get nowhere. Did a clean install of 10.2.

First, I followed the intructions at:

(Note: I added the Don'tBlameSendmail thing to the config)

I've checked permissions on all directories and files and all looks good:

-r-xr-sr-x  1 root  smmsp  581448 Aug 25 21:03 /usr/sbin/sendmail
drwxrwx---  3 smmsp   smmsp   102 Aug 25 23:26 /var/spool/clientmqueue
drwx------  4 root    wheel   136 Aug 29 18:27 /var/spool/mqueue

But, when I try to send mail - say to "" (a non-local address), I get the following entry in /var/log/mail.log:

Aug 29 18:18:23 Daves-iBook sendmail[637]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(dave): can not chdir(/var/spool/mqueue/): Permission denied

I can change the permissions on /var/spool/mqueue to 777 and everything works fine, but I'd rather not do that and defeat the security built into sendmail.
Nope, that doesn't work either, but instead fills the log with different errors:

Aug 29 20:34:39 Daves-iBook sendmail[854]: g7U0Yd4U000854: SYSERR(dave): collect: Cannot write ./dfg7U0Yd4U000854 (bfcommit, uid=501, gid=25): Permission denied
Aug 29 20:34:39 Daves-iBook sendmail[854]: g7U0Yd4U000854: from=dave, size=79, class=0, nrcpts=1, relay=localhost
Aug 29 20:34:39 Daves-iBook sendmail[854]: g7U0Yd4U000854: 0: fl=0x0, mode=140000: SOCK [0]->(Socket is not connected)
Aug 29 20:34:39 Daves-iBook sendmail[854]: g7U0Yd4U000854: 1: fl=0x2, mode=20620: CHR: dev=2/3198612, ino=37168260, nlink=1, u/gid=501/4, size=0
Aug 29 20:34:39 Daves-iBook sendmail[854]: g7U0Yd4U000854: 2: fl=0x2, mode=20620: CHR: dev=2/3198612, ino=37168260, nlink=1, u/gid=501/4, size=0
Aug 29 20:34:39 Daves-iBook sendmail[854]: g7U0Yd4U000854: 3: fl=0x2, mode=140000: SOCK [0]->[[UNIX: /var/run/syslog]]
Aug 29 20:34:39 Daves-iBook sendmail[854]: g7U0Yd4U000854: 4: fl=0x1, mode=20666: CHR: dev=2/3198612, ino=37168900, nlink=1, u/gid=0/0, size=0
Aug 29 20:34:39 Daves-iBook sendmail[854]: g7U0Yd4U000854: SYSERR(dave): queueup: cannot create queue temp file ./tfg7U0Yd4U000854, uid=501: Permission denied

Besides, accourding to the sendmail docs, mqueue should be mode 700...