September 11

tsizKEIK, this news really shocked me, just like Fortyuin's death in Netherlands, even though I completely disagreed with him on almost everything.
just like Fortyuin's death in Netherlands, even though I completely disagreed with him on almost everything.

Fortuyn was almost always misquoted by the press (dutch and foreign): so you probably disagree with ideas belonging to the image others created. He was an arrogant intellectual, he was a right-wing liberal (by US standards probably much too left and progressive). I liked him for his wits. I would not have voted for his party and in the end did not.
He was the first politician killed for "political" reasons by another dutchman in 300 years. Just there is the reason to be shocked: why kill another human being, just because you do not agree with him/her?

Note to mods: I think this and the other 9/11 thread, "September 11th," should be merged into one. Feel free to delete this post if you follow such an action.
What i can't understand is why people think America is such a messed up place. I mean, pretty much every country is messed up in their own way. Consider Canada and gay rights, then France and their sissy lifestyles, what about Jamaica and drugs?

And there's nothing wrong with remembering something and not another thing. That's how the world is, is it not?
That's how the world is, is it not?
Certainly, but is it also how the world *should* be?

And there's nothing wrong with remembering something and not another thing.
Of course not, but who does the choosing of what to remember and what to forget?
America is plenty messed up, though not as much as most countries. We have our own sort of problems, mostly stemming from greed. Sad but true.