Serious boot problems. Please help


I'm 1/4 Basque you know?...
To put it simply by Mac won't boot up.

Running 10.3.2 and the warning came on that my Mac was sheduled to sleep in 500 secs or whatever but I clicked cancel. Then about 500 secs later it slept, but as I was typing something my keystrokes abviously woke it back up.

Then it didn't seem to respond very well, so I tried to Restart. I had another user logged in but I supplied my Admin username/password and carried on but prevented me logging off.

I forced quit Mail then tried to Restart again. Suppling the password because another user was logged on.

Then it restarted but after the Mac chimed I was taken to SIngle User mode and a message telling me that the master.password that should be in the folder "etc" wasn't there.

I typed ls to take a look and the folder "etc" was there. I typed cd etc but was told no such dir. I typed mkdir etc and it saidthat one already existed!

Help. I tried to Archive and Install my older version of 10.2 but it said errors occurred. I have now installed 10.2 on my other (thank God) hd, and I will prepare to backup then zero my original boot drive and start again. Is there a way I can fix the problem or shall I carry on as planned. Thanks for any input.

Did you try a shut down, then a start up? It sounds like you confused the system by logging in on one user, yet typing in your admin user name and password.

Did you try logging out all the users, then going to your admin user?

Have you run Disk Utility to verify and repair permissions on all users?