Serve Admin 10.5 won't connect to 10.3x server


Just began using a leopard machine and needed to install server admin in order to connect to our 10.3x server. I was forced to install the 10.5 version of Server Admin (10.4 would not install).

I can connect using the Workgroup Manager and am able to use the Server Monitor app. When launching Server Admin. I cannot connect - receive message that no server is available at this address -- using the static IP address of our server.

Have others experienced this? Any suggestions?
The 10.5 Server Admin tool is not compatible with the older versions of Mac OS X Server. If you were still running Tiger, had installed the previous Server Tools and upgraded to Leopard, they would still run, but you cannot install the older tools on Leopard.

You can always use the built in Leopard Screen Sharing tool to connect to the older server installations. I use it to administrate a Tiger Server from my Leopard desktop. Look in /System/Library/CoreServices/ and you'll find the Screen Sharing application to use. If you have Apple Remote Desktop, you could just use that too! :)
