Server Monitor -Failed to contact server


Hopefully someone can answer this.

I have a brand new Intel XSERVE running OSX Server 10.5.4. I also have a brand new Intel iMac running OSX 10.5.4.

I want to run Server Monitor on my iMac, to watch the XSERVE.

When I type in the server's IP address, the username and password, it will not connect. Log shows "Failed to connect to server" over and over again.

I can connect using the same credentials to screen sharing and file sharing. I can also connect to the server's web page, chat server, and mail server. I can also connect using Server Preferences and Server Admin. So in other words, everything connects, except for Server Monitor. Even the widget connects just fine. What's going wrong?

Remember, the same credentials get me into all the other admin tools, except this one.
