Server rebuild problem


I'm managing about 20 systems using Server 10.3.9. to host the user folders, auth. Filemaker web, and PHPiCal.

I'm not sure when it happened, but ssh stopped working recently. and some genious (the owner on the company) installed some Norton garbage on my server. So now I've made a new installation on a fresh drive, updated it to 10.3.9 and installed the necessary software (Filemaker, Retrospect etc.)

I followed the instructions in the "User Management Guide" to export the open directory users, and the web data, and imported them into the new install, then I copied all of the user folders with PsyncX.
Now I have a nice clean (fast) system with no Norton crippleware or any other crap installed.

Everything works fine except for the following problem.

My users cannot publish their iCal changes to our PHPiCal website (the calendars have a red "!" in iCal)

The the PHPiCal website itself seems to work properly, and I can publish if I authenticate as admin (local user on the server) But none of my LDAP users can auth on the website. In the web logs I see the failed attempts.
[Wed Jan 18 12:52:07 2006] [error] [client] Apple Digest: Unable
to authenticate user "jenn_c" for realm "ical" at location "/LDAPv3/"
from the directory (error = -14091).
I'm hoping that there is a simple thing that I have forgotten to do.
If not, I think I'll have to delete the LDAP database, and rebuild it user by user (for 30 users or so)
It's not a huge job, but I'd be really screwed if there were 10,000 users, so I'd really like to know what I missed.

P.S. Netinstall images won't boot since 10.3.9 But I think that's Apple's fault (Many others have reported this problem)

Thanks for listening
Mike C