Server side stuff?


I feel a little apprehensive about putting my ignorance on display to the bunch of experts in this forum. Please forgive my question if my assumptions about this stuff are naive, there may be holes in my logic, or perhaps I haven't got the hang of the terminology.

I'm a quick learner.

I've just bought OS X (10.1) because I wanted to get into developing server-side code. The included documentation is inadequate in this respect.

My specific problem at the moment is that I want to get a server to talk to Macromedia Flash (.swf). I want to be able to save and retrieve variables.

I can crack the Flash side of things. On the Server, I want either to be able to receive information, do a bit of easy text processing perhaps, then either create small text files and a directory structure. Or send out the appropriate text file data when a .cgi script or database is asked in the right way.

I want to be able to allow multiple users to access the data that correspond to them - but no-one else. I want a solution that is portable to other types of server. In fact, I just want to use my mac as a development platform - It won't have to (and doesn't have the ability to) talk to the outside world. Later I'd probably like to set up my own server on the Internet - but that's another story for another time.

My main problem is getting started. Assume I know nothing - however I'm happy with any programming language: applicative, imperative, logical, Assember/DSP, hex etc. It's a sort of psychological flaw that I love this stuff - and I've got a lot of experience here.

So, how do I get from the lovely aqua interface to something that lets me write the code I want to write? What else do I need? (Without spending any more money that is).
