setting / privs emergency


Senior Member
Friday, I was frustrated with the fact that I could not copy files to the root of my hard drive. So, I attempted to change my root privs to 775.

Somehow I made a mistake and ended up not being able to boot back up. Now, I'm wondering how to execute a chmod under os9...

I've tried to mount the volume as a firewire target disk mode, but I was unable to change all parameters from another osx machine.

Booting from the OSX cd causes a kernel panic. I tried to boot off the cd in single user mode, but I found that the hard drive was not mounted, only the cd.

Any ideas?
did you try to mount it yourself while booted from the CD?

# mkdir -p /mnt/hd
# mount /dev/disk1s2 /mnt/hd

(subsitute your disks device name)