Setting root mail folder


I'm trying to set up Mail 1.3.11 (under OS 10.3.9). My e-mail account provider tells me I may need to set my root mail folder to "mail/" so that the mail client doesn't show other system files in the home directory.

Sure enough I do need to do this (I can see several system folders in addition to a folder entitled "mail" that contains all my emails. How do I set my root mail folder?????

Thanks for the help!
If the account is an IMAP account, I believe you can set the IMAP Path Prefix in Mail's preferences.

Go into Mail's preferences, then highlight the problematic account. Click the "Advanced" tab, and set the IMAP prefix near the bottom.
Perfect! Thanks! (I was scared off by the "check with your system admisistrator before changing any of the advanced options below" line! :)