Setting Up an FTP behind a dynamic IP


Eyebrow Moderator
Is there anyway i can do this? On a pc there are programs that will basically give you a different IP address that forwards directly to your current IP address, thus allowing FTP

is there a way or a program that does this for OSX? (preferably works with jag)

Does DNS Update work yet with 10.2? There are no version dates at the guy's web site. I am thinking of switching to since DNS2Go is moving to a pay service, and they still don't support OS X, nor do they reply to emails.

Worst case scenario is that I have an SMC Barricade 7004BR, for which there is a command line java utility at the dyndns site.
dns update doesnt work as of yet

i go to and manually set it when i want my ftp up

oh well :-\
I'm using's premium service and it works well for e-mail, ftp, and web services. They also offer a free version as well.

Their OS X GUI program isn't very stable, but I have modified their CLI Linux perl script to run on Mac OS X. You could have cron run it at regular intervals to keep your IP updated with them.
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
dns update doesnt work as of yet

i go to and manually set it when i want my ftp up

oh well :-\

By curiosity, what exactly doesn't work? I downloaded it and ran it and it wanted to install the daemon, so I didn't let it. But I was expecting it not to run at all.

Thanks for the other suggestions, but I was leaning towards dyndns because I know they've been around a while and are very well-liked.
dnsupdate updated the ip address on 10.1.x but when i installed jag, it stopped updating it, and originally had an error with the daemon..

g. peretz, does your program/hack work with jag?

how are their free services?
Here is a shell script that will update your IP address with It is much more effecient and works well, especially when set as a cron task every other minute (*/2). Note: be sure to change the variables where appropriate.

# this script will update your external IP address to

# tested on Mac OS X 10.2.2




ip=`wget -q -O /dev/stdout [url][/url] | grep 'Current IP Address: ' | awk ' { print $4 } '`


echo " IP Updater for Mac OS X"

# prints current IP to shell

echo $ip

#log it

date >> /var/log/dynu.log

echo $ip >> /var/log/dynu.log

lynx -dump -accept_all_cookies $URL
BuddahBobb: I emailed Julien, who wrote DNS Update, asking if it worked in 10.2, and just heard from him this morning:

"Yes and no... I have no problem with it but some have. I will try to release a new version next week that I hope will fix almost all
hmmm maybe i'll wait for something with a gui, im not much for running scripts ;)

looking forward to dnsupdates update

That's strange. I distinctly remember launching DNSUpdate right after upgrading and seeing it work; just tried launching it again and now the daemon hangs...

Guess I have to count myself lucky that my DSL provider hasn't swapped public IP addresses on me so far...


Update: was using version 2.2.1; just upgraded to version 2.5 and everything is fine (so far).

Originally posted by hazmat
BuddahBobb: I emailed Julien, who wrote DNS Update, asking if it worked in 10.2, and just heard from him this morning:

"Yes and no... I have no problem with it but some have. I will try to release a new version next week that I hope will fix almost all
i'll reinstall and test again, but last time, the daemon hung, (fixed file option chosen, probably bad idea), doesnt hang anymore, just doesnt update my ip to the server
Guys, FYI: I just started my dyndns service yesterday. I was having trouble with DNS Update, but after reinstalling it a few times , I got it and it's working fine under 10.2. I'm using the custom service. What wasn't working was that I had chosen the dyndns option, not Custom. Wasn't that obvious to me, but in the end it's working fine. BuddahBob, maybe try removing all the configs for it and reinstall it? The new Search function in the Finder was really nice for that. Of course I could have just used the Edit Users window, but I just found out how to find it. :-/

im now using's service although its prog quits quite often, but it does work, i wish this guy with the script would tell me what it does and what im supposed to do with it :-\

glad to hear its working for you though haz :)
This is a revised version of the script. (Sorry that the old one was ineffective.) It is much more effecient and works well, especially when set as a cron task every other minute (*/2). Note: be sure to change the variables where appropriate.
# this script will update your external IP address to
# tested on Mac OS X 10.2.2

ip=`wget -q -O /dev/stdout [url][/url] | grep 'Current IP Address: ' | awk ' { print $4 } '`

echo " IP Updater for Mac OS X"
# prints current IP to shell
echo $ip
#log it
date >> /var/log/dynu.log
echo $ip >> /var/log/dynu.log
lynx -dump -accept_all_cookies $URL
hmmm brought from the dead ;)

anyways this is my solution now

get dynamic dns service from

download and install dnsupdate

and get an ftp client

all is well in the land of bobb :)

thanks though ;)