Setting up and administrating the website using WebDav


I want to update the website on my MacOS X Server using WebDav in Dreamweaver. I have enabled WebDav in the WebServices, but what shall I type in the connection prefs in dreamweaver?

I´ve tried:
url: http://ip-number/
id: admin
pw: adminspassword

but dreamweaver returns:
The desired action could not be completed because it was not allowed by the server. (HTTP Error 405)

url: http://ip-number/xyz
id: admin
pw: adminspassword

The desired action could not be completed because the desired resource was not found. (HTTP Error 404)

I guess xyz should be replaced by something. But what? It seemes like I get logged in, but then it´s something thats not right.
Type "tail -f /private/var/log/httpd/error_log" in the

Then try to connect to your Server with Dreamweaver.
When you will get some further information. Probably the server cannot write to the DavLockDB, a problem I had first too. You have to change permissions so that the user www has permissions to write to the folder your DavLockDB is in.
I too want to set up my G4 to use WebDAV but, everything is point to the Public BETA. I been hoping to fine some where there's that hidden doc with the keys to my problem. If you find out how to get apache to run WebDAV. Let me know. Thanks a head of time.

Chuck Payne
Magi Design and Support
Try this link:
there is some info on how to configure WebDAV for Apache.
Just go to the section Apache Configuration.
You may also take a look at this Thread, especially my last posting (or the second one, maybe there is more till now ;))

But the page I linked above should have all the information one needs to get it working. Maybe you will have some problems putting the WebDAV stuff inside a < Directory> directive, at least I had. Try it with < Location> first, I think it is a little easier here.