setting up cameras?


Some help please !!

I am wanting to set up a couple of cameras around my home that can be viewed online (cost effective system!!!). I have found a site which offers decently priced cameras that are set up to a wireless system. The link to the site and cameras is

Would I be able to plug that wireless video receiver feat. on the above site up to an A/D Converter Device, which would then be connected to my mac and receive input from the cameras to a website? I hope this doesent offend anyone, I am still using OS 9, moving to OS X in the near future. The cameras are PC compatible, it does not mention mac`s.

I would greatly appreciate any info you have to offer, or any advice on different products to do the same job (that are still moderatley priced).


Nick C.
same site actually offers a USB adaptor, to plug from the computer into the wirless reciever which will recieve video from the different cameras;

copied and pasted the breakdown:-

It contains a USB connector on one end (plugs into USB port on your PC) and RCA cable on other end. Simply plug the RCA Cable into the Video Receiver (for Wireless cameras such as XCam2) or plug the camera (Anaconda, NightWatch) into the RCA Cable.

Does anyone know of some software that would be a good choice for the above. My goal is to set up the cameras around and outside my house to show live video on to a webiste?

thanks again !!
Do a Google using these keywords:

x10 mac

Look through there to see if you can find some (non OS X) software for X10.

Doug has some live video cameras which do just what you propose. At one time they had some descriptions on their web page of how the system was set up. It that information is not now available, an e-mail to them would probably elicit some help.