Setting up OSX for the Internet


Dear Sirs: I have just recently installed OS 10.1 and cannot get the Internet set up properly. I keep getting the message that the server maybe down or my settings may be incorrect. I have set up my TCP/IP and Email several times for previous os's, and am at complete loss. I plan of looking for a book this weekend, any suggestions/url's would be most appreciated.


ps: I am using 9.2.1 on the same HD, different partion, and 9.1 on another HD with no problems.
A little more info is needed. But we can figure this out, I bet :) So, you have everything working in 9.2.1 and earlier. Good! Have you tried the configuration with an earlier version of Mac OS X (10.0.0-10.0.4)? Have you double checked your network settings. Such as Modem, Ethernet, DNS, and type of connection (such as PPP)? What are the exact symptoms? Such as does it dial and connect and while authentication of your username and password does it give you that message or does it dial up and immediately give you the message? What happens? Are you using anything like airport or a DSL or cable modem? Some more information could really help. And most importantly have you called your ISP for tips?
Mr Cheeta....
After recieving your most expedient response, I tried again and it worked. I'm not sure what I did that was different but it worked, hopefully I will be able to do it next time.
I appreciate you and all the other's who help people like me.

don't know if jerryww is still checking this, but the problem could very well have been his DHCP, assuming that is how he's getting his IP. If this is in fact the issue, he'll be coming back!

I've found - confirmed on several other boards - that Apple's DHCP implementation is flaky at times. This was particularly true with my Linksys cable router. The solution is to use a fixed IP if at all possible. Of course, this is not always easy with many ISPs, because if they normally run with DHCP, then they probably want to charge extra for giving you a fixed IP (figuring you are serving web pages or something).

However, I will say that 10.1 appears to be a little better. When I upgraded (10.0.4 to 10.1) last week, I opted to try DHCP again. So far I've had one problem - fixed by reseting the router - but otherwise looking good. But since I still run 9.2.1 a lot more than 10.1, I'm withholding judgment for now.
Yeah, what he said....

It's harder to maintain a DHCP connection on my OSX machine that any 9.x (or even 7.6.1 for that matter) machine. I'm no expert, but could it be to do with when the system requests an IP address from the DHCP server?
oops - I may have spoke too soon - 10.1 just lost its IP. As I went to my mail to check out Scott's post, I got the old error about not finding the host (in this case Checked the Network control panel and sure enough - garbage for the IP. I was able to get it to reset and get a good IP, but I'll be putting in the manual settings first chance I get.

don't have a clue as to why, but I know it's not an uncommon problem.

I am using "Manually" for network settings, which is working fine now. If some would like to give a brief explanation of what DHCP does it would be appreciated.
I also had some problems with osx finding my classic set up properly, several times. I originally installed os10.1/9.2.1 on seperate partitions and 9.1 on a seperate Hard Drive. On a couple of occasions osx would ask me if I wanted to update 9.1 (on the seperate HD) to 9.2.1 to be classic. I had selected my original 9.2.1, partitioned with osx, to be used as classic on 2 different occasions. I finally gave up and reinstalled osx by itself, and kept 9.1 to use with classic on the other HD. Everything is working just fine the way it is.
One last question I promise........Does upgrading 9.1 to 9.2.1 have to be a clean install?

Thany You
well, I think there were 3 questions there, soo..

There is a long answer and short for DHCP, so I'll go with the short. It stands for "Dynamic Host Control Protocol." The key is the word "dynamic", which means that IP addresses are assigned on an as-needed basis, or "dynamically." Which means every time you restart your computer you probably get a new IP. It's a huge advantage for large networks for 2 reasons: 1) every computer is configured exactly the same (instead of different IP for each one), and 2) it actually lets you have more computers than addresses (as long as everyone doesn't connect at the same time). So for a small network like you would have at home, DHCP is overkill unless one of those computers happens to be a laptop that that gets plugged into different networks. With DHCP you minimize the need to change settings (which is actually quite simple with the Mac's Location Manager but a real pain in Windoze which has nothing similar).

the 3rd question about the clean install - answer is "no". there should be no particular reason you can't upgrade - I did and it worked fine.

the question in between was a little confusing, so I'll defer to someone else.
Sorry if I get confusing, you did quite well just the same. A good explanation of DHCP, thanxxxxxx!
