several issues with quark and upgrades


Nothing is every easy is it.....I have a few issues I hope someone can help me with......first...

I am trying to do an os x upgrade on a dual boot mac, one of the older ones with the mirrored doors. I boot from the os x install dvd and the install starts fine but it seems to hang and freeze up about halfway through....any ideas?.

My other problems are with quark and 10.4. Quark like to crash alot for some reason, especially when trying to make a postscript file using a local host printer to give to distiller to make a good pdf. I hate quark, Ive always hated quark but we use it to produce our newspaper so it is a necessary evil.

I seem to have dropped my lightsaber on this one...
Which dual boot Mac have you? Which processor?
What OS version is it running
Which version are you trying to upgrade to?
Have you Repaired Permissions?
Which version of QuarkXpress have you?

Tip: QuarkXpress is allergic to bad fonts.