ShaBANG! 10 GB iPod, iPod contact software, 23" cinema display!


Unofficial Mac Genius

You heard it from me first :D (well, except for the iPod contact software part ;) ).

"Apple Computer will unveil a new iPod at Macworld Expo Tokyo that comes with a 10GB hard drive and optional software that will let consumers use it as a digital organizer, sources said.

In addition to the new iMac [sic], Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple will show off a high-resolution 23-inch flat-panel monitor."
nice... melikes... think they'll still have the 5gb iPod?

drop it to $299? please.

hope the cinema is super high res.
I don't like the prices on any of this stuff. I suppose $50 for the blue tooth thing is pretty cool, but they should have at least dropped the 5GB iPod price $50 or so.
And raising the iMac price. Ouch!:(
No they shouldn't. RAM is essential to run OS X smoothly. I can't imagine running OS X on 128 megs of RAM. The low end model looks really skimpy on RAM the way it is. Cutting it to 64 would be laughable. And cutting the high end to only 128 would just look bad. It's a lot easier and smarted IMO to just come out and say that things cost more, so prices need to go up for us to make money.
I love Apple's iPod, but $500 for a 10GB player is too expensive. When a 10GB HD can be purchased for a hundred bucks -- so don't talk to be about it's use as a HD -- and a Nomad JukeBox (6 and 20GB) and SonicBlue RioRiot (20GB! and just about as small as the iPod) can be purchased for $399 (same price as 5GB iPod) why would NON-RICH people spend $500??


Seriously folks, I LOVE(!) the new EQ and Contacts features of the iPod BUT it is NOT a PDA (yet?) and it is NOT that much smaller than the RioRiot so, when you take the hype and hope out of it, how many of you are REALLY going to spend YOUR OWN money on the 10GB version today? If it was $399 I'd go out and buy one today ... but since I already own a 6GB Nomad Jukebox I can't justify scraping it for a $500 purchase that doesn't give me the ability to RECORD mp3 audio (like some other new products do).
The iPod is the best MP3 Player out there, hands down.

You cannot buy a 10 gig drive small enough to fit into the iPod for $100.

I've used many of the other "high end" MP3 players out there and they don't compare. I think the iPod is definitely pricy, but honestly the firewire, size, and battery truly make it the best one.
First, that is not necessarily true. A lot of companies (including Apple!) have released products (what was that one called .. oh yeah, the CUBE!) that they thought was going to be a hit but wasn't due to price, performance, or some other reason. So just because they sell it does not necessarily mean enough people will buy it to give Apple a good vendor OEM price from Hitachi or Toshiba on the 1.8" drives necessary to keep the prices down. Again, I love this product, but I do think it is at least $50 to expensive. I was thinking that Apple would make the 10GB version $399 and lower the 5GB to a more realistic $325-349.

Second, even if it is true that people will buy it (in enough quantities) I was asking about you and other members of this forum. If Bill Gates buys one, well, good for Bill Gates. But what about *average* people. I was interested in thoughts about whether or not you and others here will ACTUALLY purchase one for themselves with your own money.

Believe me, I wish I could justify it for myself!

To put it in perspective, the 10GB iPod costs nearly double my 100GB external FireWire HD which is in an awesome slim Oxford 911 case and flies at 7,200 RPM and easily gives me close to 400MB a second sustained data transfer speeds! The iPod, well it'd be neat to put in my pocket while I jog (or I can continue listening to my tiny $39 SONY FM stereo run-man).
Originally posted by GadgetLover
First, that is not necessarily true. A lot of companies (including Apple!) have released products (what was that one called .. oh yeah, the CUBE!) that they thought was going to be a hit but wasn't due to price, performance, or some other reason. So just because they sell it does not necessarily mean enough people will buy it to give Apple a good vendor OEM price from Hitachi or Toshiba on the 1.8" drives necessary to keep the prices down. Again, I love this product, but I do think it is at least $50 to expensive. I was thinking that Apple would make the 10GB version $399 and lower the 5GB to a more realistic $325-349.
For the most part I agree with this, but no one knows what their profit margin is on this. I don't believe the 10 GB drives are shipping in high enough quantities to bring the 5Gig prices down. I would love to see the price drop $50. But be realistic.

Believe me, I wish I could justify it for myself!
I think it's hard to justify for a lot of people. I got one because I was commuting 3-4 hours a day. If you want something for jogging, get a nomad II or something like that. An iPod is total overkill for what you seem to want it for.

To put it in perspective, the 10GB iPod costs nearly double my 100GB external FireWire HD which is in an awesome slim Oxford 911 case and flies at 7,200 RPM and easily gives me close to 400MB a second sustained data transfer speeds! The iPod, well it'd be neat to put in my pocket while I jog (or I can continue listening to my tiny $39 SONY FM stereo run-man).
First of all, you mean 400Mb per second (50MB/second), and I highly doubt you are getting sustained transfers even close to that.
If your fine with your radio then what's the problem?
Originally posted by dlookus
First of all, you mean 400Mb per second (50MB/second), and I highly doubt you are getting sustained transfers even close to that.
If your fine with your radio then what's the problem?

Yes, I did mean 400 Mbits per second, but I am getting close to that.

And there is no "problem." I would just love to continue to buy Apple products and I'd love to have a smaller mp3 player than my Nomad JukeBox but cannot presently justify spending $500 for one -- especially since the RioRiot is only $399. And until you play with one of these it's not fair to compare them -- yes, its USB but it is still great and $100 less.

I am just saying that I believe Apple will not see as many 10GB sells at $499 as it thinks. We'll all just have to wait and see -- most people cannot afford to spend $500 for an mp3 player, not matter how good it is. I was hoping that Apple would create a price point so good that it not only got existing Apple users to buy (and Apple users tend to have more money as it is) but also woould help to CONVERT non-Apple users. "Hey I like this so much that, since I also plan on using my new DV camcorder and digital camera to take pix of my new kid Ralphie, that I think I'll just go ahead and buy the new iMac; is that ok honey? Sure dear...."
yes, its USB but it is still great and $100 less.
To me this is worth $100 more. I had a crappy little Nomad IIc and it took just as long to fill that up (96MB) as it does to fill the entire iPod HD.

It was a real pain.