Shades of G5?

Hey, nice to see you back from holidays.

BTW, where are you in Italy? I'm sitting in (vicinity of) Milano.
hello everyone... the only Italian thing I have is my Piaggio X9! LOL...

Back to the topic... I shall say it in a one liner...

"Keeping my fingers crossed..."

90 nanometer chips... I thought that was old military technology?

heehee... I am waiting to be flamed again! :D
Piaggio X9! Now we're talking! :D

I'm not sure this could turn into the G5, but with Moto getting their act together and IBM toying with the Power4 I think the future can be really rose now! Remember the "TOASTED" ad? :p
Originally posted by lonny
Piaggio X9! Now we're talking! :D

I'm not sure this could turn into the G5, but with Moto getting their act together and IBM toying with the Power4 I think the future can be really rose now! Remember the "TOASTED" ad? :p

Like mentioned in another thread, the chips developed here are more geared towards consumer electronics. I do hope to see faster G5 chips coming out soon too and that is why I did not grab the new machines which were recently released.

One thing about the X9 which I love to death... I can charge my iBook while I travel! ha ha ha... the car charger they implemented on the X9 was so cool and well thought of! I have a fully charged iBook wherever I go... no worries! Thanks to the R&D fellas at Piaggio. They rock!

I was riding an Aprillia before, and crashed pretty bad. Guess them race horses are too fast for me... ha ha ha...
I heard the early X9s were pretty bad quality, but I would have loved to buy one. They look so nice... I'm still using my Peugeot Velocity scooter... :P
Originally posted by fryke
I heard the early X9s were pretty bad quality, but I would have loved to buy one. They look so nice... I'm still using my Peugeot Velocity scooter... :P

Unfortunately, you are right about the X9. I bought the third generation X9 and there are still some nagging issues with the "glove compartment" catch, the side stand still get stiff at times, needs loads of grease on it, the on board computer is a little crazy at times, (wondering what OS is it running on? heehee).

But it charges my iBook on the go! What other bikes does that? And not to mention it have one of the largest storage capacity around.

So I guess they sort of balance out the things I dislike about it. And the large wheelbase makes it a great ride at higer speeds and cornering. It feels stable.

OK, back to Macs. (But I did mention this bike charges the iBook, so I am still sort of in line)... heehee...
I highly doubt this will turn into a G5. Motorola's bond with Apple it straining. Apple is practically dying to get away from Motorola as their main chipmaker. They just can't keep up, and their chips just are not as good as IBM's. Power4 is the future.
Originally posted by kommakazi
I highly doubt this will turn into a G5. Motorola's bond with Apple it straining. Apple is practically dying to get away from Motorola as their main chipmaker. They just can't keep up, and their chips just are not as good as IBM's. Power4 is the future.

In a sad way, I have to agree with you on this. Motorola is adamant in keeping Dragonball chips in PDA and thus dominating the PDA market. And not to mention mobile phones and other consumer electronics.
I don't care if it's going to be Moto or IBM inside my next machine.
I'm just excited to see things evolving!

BTW, my Aprilia Leonardo MkIII rules, really!
i have no idea what you guys are talking about but i can tell you it is more interesting than the mythical G5 :p

i think the bike that charges the ibook is way cool. got pics?
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i have no idea what you guys are talking about but i can tell you it is more interesting than the mythical G5 :p

i think the bike that charges the ibook is way cool. got pics?

Will get them pics when I get my camera back from a friend who "nicked" it when I said that he cannot borrow it... ha ha ha... friends... I wanted to "borrow" his girlfriend, and he said no, and he wanted to borrow my camera and I said no... I am still figuring how to nick his girlfriend... ha ha ha...

Cheeky bastid. Hope you had a laugh with this one. :D

Hey guys, i agree that the X9 and the Leonardo are fantastic, and i have had a go on both, but u have to admit you really cant beat the old Vespa PX200 :-) i got a brand new one, one from 1982 and a Lambretta TV175 fully restored :-) oooh i love em all :-)
On Topic: The PX200 sure is more classic now than the newer ET2/4 Vespas :P ...

Off Topic: The 90nm process will be applied to several chips from Motorola. The G5 *is* already being produced, albeit not as a desktop computer's processor. The embedded market is enjoying full MPC8540 glory. I'm sure we'll see a G5 early next year. And it will be taken to that process later on in 2003.
Main Topic : SIYWGF, have you mod the scooter? Any pics? Post them in here and share, ok? I would love to see them.

Off Topic : G5 should have prototypes if they are still going ahead with the plans released last year about G5 being made available in 2003. IF IBM will take up the challenge to develop the chips. Other than voice recognition software, IBM has been really quiet. And considering their latest processor for military (see Jane's Information Group) is at a whopping 210GHz, a 2GHz G5 chip would not be too hard to make. :evil laughter like Dr Evil:

flame me! flame me! I am a believer!