Shady Dell Advertising


Hardest Flusher
Saw this dell advertisement over at C|Net. The notebook in this picture looks suspiciously like an iBook, but at the same time, not an iBook.

But the kicker is, I can't find a notebook on Dell's website that looks ANYTHING like this one they have pictured here.

Is Dell using the slick iBook look just to attract visitors to its site?

Maybe someone can determine if it is an iBook, and if not, provide a link to Dell's iBook knockoff.



  • 600off_wk12_jump_offer2.jpg
    18 KB · Views: 199
Not sure it's an iBook or anything but yeah it is extremely similar and it's no on their site unless I'm looking in the wrong place. Why not call them up and ask to purchase the laptop featured in the ad?
Yeah I agree and I also think that Steven kid in the Dell advertisments looks kinda evil.



Originally posted by FaRuvius

I agree, that looks close. But it still looks black, or grey, whereas the pic in the ad nearly white. Somebody's been playing gratuitously with photoshop......


They messed with the lighting and hue. Its obvious what they are doing, but there is no way to prove it. They made the background darker so that the computer it self would look "brighter" more of an iBook color.
my friend bought one of those for his college class... it IS that model, but they have changed the lighting to make it seem more "silvery" like...

is is shiny when ya point a bright light at it, so it makes it look silvery/white/iBook like on the black background
I hate Steven. He epitomizes the user base of PC's.

"You're gonna get a dell!" .....Steven says with crazy swirly hypnotise eyes.

"You WILL get a dell!"
Yeah that kied scares the hell out of me...or more precisely the fact that people trust him to recommend computers to them. I mean really now, would you entrust this kid with..well anything?! Why would anybody listen to him? I think i read some blurb about him a really old Entertainment weekly that said he doesn't even own a computer(?) anybody see this at all? Wel lin any case I found it believeable cuz I can't picture this kid using one. What a sad age we've entered.
Hey! I just turned 15 and I'm trusted with tons of computer stuff. Everyone who knows me has called me the "Mac Guy" at one point or another. I took computer classes that are meant for employees of businesses to go and be trained to use software. I took every single class in their graphics club. The place was called New Horizons.

I have another friend that is younger than me and knows probably more about Windows than I know about Mac.

But I do understand that the majority of people my age don’t know enough about computers to be completely trusted when they suggest a computer to you.:rolleyes:
it's definitely a latitude L400. They are actually a bit smaller and lighter than an iBook, but do not have an internal optical drive (and the cable for the external drives is proprietary and very very short), and they start at $1649.
Sorry I didn't mean "kid" to be a derrogatory term in reference to age. I'm 18 myself, hopefully I still count as a kid :). I just can't picture anybody taking him seriously. I mena I'm sure we've all reccomended computers to people, but he doesn't even offer a reaosn why we really should by a Dell...granted it's a commercial. But I hate to think that people listen to his "logic" and buy a computer based on his "advice" but I know it happens. One of my friend's Dad's bought him a Dell for college cuz he thought it was "cool." *Sigh* Again my apologies to anybody i offended. my bad.

How could you!?!?!?

That guy drives me nutz... Dude you're getting a dell...


that would be a funny comercial.

How about... Dude, its no mac.

Or, Dude, you're paying too much for too little! Welcome to the club.

Btw, new mozilla cfm build today.. its no mach-o build, but it does have an aqua scroll bar, and renders faster than omniweb SP 28 :-P
Sorry. I know he's annoying I only find that commercial funny because it's sooooo stupid and untrue.
When I was writing that post, I spent an hour looking for a picture of that guy. I finally found a small picture of him on a web banner at Then I found another and another. So I posted those up.
In Marketing, we call this LSD marketing, as in Lowest Similar Denominator marketing. It's also called LSD marketing because you wonder if the people who buy into it are on LSD.

"Dude, you're getting stoned."
Apple should hire him for a quick commercial saying "Dude, you're thinking like everyone else!" [fade to black] Think Different®