Shady Dell Advertising

I want to see Apple adds with Jack Black freeking out at a store at people about what they should buy... Like "Dude! this is the toaster for you! It will cook like 4 peices of toast at onece!, and check this out... cut a bagle in half... IT WILL COOK BOTH SIDES!!!" Then fade to black... on the screen "Think Different... especially from this guy..."
I'd love to see a 1984 quality commerical for the new iMac. No need for some spokesperson or anything, just a powerfully different advertisement that makes people question their very existence, their very way of life. Ask themselves if that's what they really want. Or we could just do some product shots of the G4 iMac, that always seems to be effective. Just as long as Apple never sinks to Dell's level.

(if you've seen Orange County, the guy that plays opposite of Jack Black uses a Mac, although it is an old one...)
I just erturned from that movie. I thought it was funny that they gave him an old mac. But it made me think, possibly this is a new direction for MTV since they are going to be launching there own brands of computers/digital devices. Mabey this is there way of saying that macs really aren't that different (hence the beige) and they are outdated.

Lily Tomlin had an iMac, but then again, she played a "moron".;)
that's not a good sign... showing how a moron can use an iMac...

but notice how MTV uses MACS in pretty much all their mainstream shows?

For Example:

PowerMac G4 Cube and 22 inch Cinema Display (TRL also gave out a TiBook when they were first coming out)

Real World Chicago
PowerMac G4 Cube and some old Studio Display

Road Rules 10
Older Model iBooks (The Colored Ones)

Real World Chicago Casting Special
Didn't show computer, but did show Cinema Display

Real World Seattle
Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh

those are the only ones that come to my mind right now... but there are many more!
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
that's not a good sign... showing how a moron can use an iMac...

but notice how MTV uses MACS in pretty much all their mainstream shows?

For Example:

PowerMac G4 Cube and 22 inch Cinema Display (TRL also gave out a TiBook when they were first coming out)

Real World Chicago
PowerMac G4 Cube and some old Studio Display

Road Rules 10
Older Model iBooks (The Colored Ones)

Real World Chicago Casting Special
Didn't show computer, but did show Cinema Display

Real World Seattle
Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh

those are the only ones that come to my mind right now... but there are many more!

Welcome to the world of product placement.
