Shall we invite Mac haters?

Shall we invite Mac haters?

  • Yes! I'm ready to rumble!

  • No! I don't like confrontation!

  • Yes, but let them come in on their own.

  • No! I don't want them here at all!

Results are only viewable after voting.


I know we all enjoy a nice little debate… what say you to posting a big invitation for folks from this cursed website? They are among the worst of the anti-Mac crowd, as far as I can tell. RacerX will have a ball with this, maybe, and I know I would love to sit back and watch…

So vote Yes or No. If there are more Yes votes, I (or another volunteer?) will post a polite invitation to debate Mac vs. PC.

Actually, I don't know if the keepers of are friendly to this type of thing, but that's what I'd like to find out too.
Invitations to a Mac hating crowd who hate Macs for no particular reason is just an invitation to flame the board, not debate.

ManicDVLN's flames rarely had any legitimate points and understanding about the OS, he just hated Macs for the sake of hating them. Talking till we're blue in the face to and him and others like him will not often change their minds. It is a waste of our time (which is why I never gave him a serious response).

I think this board's main function is to encourage the Mac community and help Mac people with problems. Filling the forums up with flame-fests will discourage people looking for help to come here, IMO.
That needs a third choice. Invite legitimate counter arguments. I don't mind an intelligent debate at all, as you see to a certain extent on sites like Slashdot (it's a mix, but overall you generally get intelligent discussion, if sometimes one sided), and OS Opinion... some flaming or lack of intelligent responses but mostly reasonable.

I do *NOT* want to see something like the boards over at By the 3rd post a flame war breaks out every single time no matter what the topic, and the flaming usually ends up so far off topic it's disgusting.

Dak, choosing to abstain from voting
Just following up on my own post :p

I think it's important that Mac users (and others) not stay closed minded and complacent about their particular platform. And to do so it is important to stay informed and knowledgeable. I love my Mac, but it's not perfect, and I'm not going to pretend it is.

It's important to understand ways in which our computing experience CAN be improved, so Apple doesn't become complacent either.

On top of that, for too long the Mac community has more or less existed as a separate entity from the rest of the computer world... that needs to come to an end. The Linux and BSD communities are merging ever closer with the Mac community and this is A Very Good Thing(tm). We need to embrace this new friendship, and an important way to do so is to understand each other (the antics of our favorite new Mac convert David Coursey flaming the Linux community is not a good thing, and I'm glad to see most of the responses to his review reflected this).

It's time for us to push the mold of our community and expand outward... we may be small, but we're quite committed. I rarely even see anyone claim Linux users are more devout :) Let's just do it in an intelligent manor, and not as a religious crusade as has been the case for so long.

Mac Enthusiast, NOT Mac Faithful. My only faith is in death.
I enjoy a good PC vs Mac argument as much, if not more than the next guy, but I didn't like some of ManicDVLN's personal attacks against other members.

We have a new member named macssuck who has yet to post, but I don't hold out high hopes for an intellectual discussion.
dealing with the ones foolish enough to stumble in here is one thing, inviting them in is another. War is not a pretty thing. peace is a blessing. count your blessings for the peace we have now. just because we grumble a little among ourselves doesn't mean we need some outside target to bring us together as a community.

let us stay a community and not a war zone.
Hmm… Good thoughts. I think I'm finally getting a hold of this place. I came from the MacAddict forums, and there I think this kind of a thing would be more "fun" and applauded. But I can totally see why we'd like to see this place more peace-like than flame-warish.

On the other hand, I did post this with the intention of inviting and encouraging lively debate that would hopefully be without too much bloodshed. I sometimes a dose of PC people and their complaints would do us good, and that was my motivation for such a thread.

Maybe is the wrong place to go, for there are where the flamers are bred and nurtured. How 'bout a nicer place? sounds interesting, I'd like to see for myself how they act.

I dunno. I'm open to ideas.

By the way, I can't change the poll. It says moderators can, so if any moderators stop by (how could they not?), can you add a third option? Something like "invite nice people only". :)
Originally posted by Dak RIT
Just following up on my own post :p

I think it's important that Mac users (and others) not stay closed minded and complacent about their particular platform. And to do so it is important to stay informed and knowledgeable. I love my Mac, but it's not perfect, and I'm not going to pretend it is.\

Excellent point Dak RIT. In all of my real debates with Windows users, never have I simply said that Windows sucks and Mac is great just 'cause. Normally I tell them that I do in fact own a PC which runs Windows and linux. I've used all three systems for years, and prefer Mac. If they're not mad at me by this point, (why do some people get angry if you just mention you use a Mac?) and ask what I prefer about Macs, then I go into details.

BTW, for any aspiring evangelists, I've found the virtually virus-free argument goes VERY far with Windows people.
A war is not something I want to read about. I like intelligent confrontation, but I think this kind of debate is too passionate to produce any good.

I used to have an Atari ST (it still works, BTW... ahh, GEM...), and I remember the war with Amiga folks... Boring, at least.
I guess i am also wondering why you want to 'invite' them here. if you want to take them on so bad, then why not go where they are? But then that would make you the troll wouldn't it? there are plenty of sites where both sides wage endless wars. i hope this site never becomes one.

but really, think about who would come if an invitation was issued. Would it be those who are genuinely interested in learning? i doubt it. would it be those who know enough about their own computer and macs to have a real discussion? again, i doubt it. what about people who would jump for a chance to stop arguing with other pc owners and go after the real 'bad guys' that use macs? I think so.

in short, this is not macaddict. everyone here is aware of other forums and how they are run, what the attitudes are, etc. Most of us, or at least many, have settled here because it is NOT like those other forums. please don't suddenly show up here and ask us to be like that. rather go there and be like them if that is what you want.

If you want to invite others here, that is great. but how about inviting mac developers, people who need help understanding osx and people who are involved in using macs every day? we can always make room for more people like these.

people who are secure in their own beliefs do not need to proselytize to others. We are not a church and we do not need to convert nonbelievers by bringing them here. with 15 people voting so far, i hope you don't see that as enough of a majority right now to carry out your plan. The site has hundreds of active members.
Perhaps we should organise a group trip to this forum and shout things like "mAC o$X RuLlLEzzz U!!!!!!" in a ManicDVLN style...

or maybe not

Bernie :eek:)
Is it open season on Trolls again?

Really, I don't need or want any more ManicDVLN types lurking around here. I just add them to my ignore list anyway, so what's the point?
It's odd that most of the replies here have been of the opinion that inviting them would be a negative thing, but the poll reflects right now that 63% of people support inviting them. What's the viewpoint from that side?
The minute it gets into stupid flaming you'll see scores of closed threads no matter how much "Damnit, it's my free right to speech" and "It's all good, we're just DEBATING" comes across.

Remember on these boards there are rules. Admin isn't asking us not to express our free speech, and in fact asks us to speak freely, however in the invite it had better be crystal clear that these are professional boards. There is no swearing, name-calling, or any of that horse-doodie. (Which happens anyway, but we usually make up, these people I guarantee won't)

Also, I'm dead-certain that Admin won't appreciate 50 PM's asking him to ban BobThePCA$$ because he is derogatory, and spewing forth hate for the simple reason that he's got the 1st Amendment behind him. If I remember correctly ManicDVLN called all Mac users "fudge-packers."

Now, imagine 30 ManicDVLN's here...

So... I would encourage more diversity, but you're going to invite the worst over here. So just be prepared if you decide to do this things may go terribly awry.

I personally would like to see different view points, but I say let them come on their own cognizance and not via a board littered with pimply 13 year olds with gas pedal courage who's base line is "well, Macs suck, and so do you!".

I agree with Dark RIT, Jadey, Ed, etc. These boards are here to help out fellow Mac users and new Mac users. It's not a very good welcome mat well new people come by and all they see are a bunch of Windows vs. Mac flames-threads and heated arguments that, in my opinion, are completely pointless. Seriously, what's the point? We aren't going to convert anyone, nor are they. When everything is said and done, we will not have gained anything but have only lost time where we could have been doing something productive.

I'm also afraid that bringing Windows users in here will be like introducing some South American insect into Hawaii. Nature didn't intend them to mix and once it happens, there's no way to get rid of them. Let's not dilute the quality of these boards by bringing in people who don't have any respect for us and our 'cause.'
I don't want to waste unnecessary keyboard wear just because of some stupid pc-trolls that never has touched a mac before and that just hates mac because they don't understand it.
