Share printers with Windows


Is there a way to share my USB Epson ink jet printer with a Windows PC?

I know that in unix you can share a printer but i don't know how to do that with MacOSX 10.1.5 and Windows95.

I would LOVE to know that, too... I thought Printer Sharing & Windows Sharing should be enough, but I've never tried. Guess I'm chicken... ;)
I've been searching and everywhere I see people share printers the other way around, but I can't find anyone that has successfully shared their usb attached mac printer to a windows client. The apple switch site offers suggestions to buy a wireless print server or a usb kvm sharing device ... whaaaaaaaaa?
Certainly it should be as easy as turning on Printer Sharing in the System Preferences, and then adding a printer on my XP box to .... *what*?? :confused: I've tried using the IP address of my iBook, but I don't know what the printer would be called, and it doesn't want to browse it. Any ideas?

Can anyone point to a clear answer, can it be done out of the box with 10.2.2? Is Apple still working out the bugs? Seems silly to have to add a device or third party software to accomplish something so basic as sharing a printer.

Just to restate the problem: I don't want to put my printer on my pc, I want to connect from my pc to my shared mac printer.

Thanks one and all!
So if you share a printer using XP or OSX file sharing, don't you have to have the computer that is sharing the printer powered on when you want to print from the computer that has to access the shared printer?