Shared Folders forgets


My ekstern WD disc forgets when I tick the Shared Folder in GetInfo after a reboot
Is´s formatted as a Mac Os Extended disc, brandnew, and I use for my iTunes music. That´s why I want it to remember the "Shared Folder" option everytime

I have also had this occurring on my external drive. I find it intermittently remembers and forgets that a folder within it is supposed to be shared. I wonder if it is something to do with it not being a boot volume.

Wish I could be more help.
It may have something to do with it being an external drive. In the boot sequence, if the drive is not present and mounted before the sharing system starts up and tries to share the drive, then it may just skip sharing that drive.

Is the drive connected via USB/FireWire (or some means) and powered on when the computer boots, or are you connecting the drive after the computer has already booted?