Shareware developer seeks Intel testers


Geek / Hedonist
Hi all,

I'm a shareware developer, and I would like to make my software title run on the new Intel Macs. However I don't have access to one! I'm looking for someone willing to test my Universal build on their Intel Macintosh.

This is a music software title that appeals to guitar players, music students, and people who want to compose music quickly while learning a little music theory along the way. The ideal tester should have some music background and be familiar with MIDI and music / audio software. This program provides a MIDI source for software synthesizers like GarageBand and Absynth, so some familiarity with GarageBand and/or other software synths will be beneficial.

This will require some back and forth to identify bugs, so it helps if you're proficient with the Macintosh and have some knowledge of software architecture.

Extra points if you're located in Western Massachusetts.

I'm offering a free software license in exchange for your help. If you're interested, send me a private message with your email address, the type of Mac Intel system you have, and a little about your music and computer skill level.