sharing files over web


Could someone please tell me the proper syntax for an anchor tag (if this is actually possible) in the following situation:

I'm serving up a site at the address Site/downloads.htm

which is hosted on my desktop from which I type right now. However, I want visitors to be able to download files from my computer but are not in the /library/web server/documents/ directory. Is this possible. Do I need the IP address in the anchor, if so, what follows after that if the file is located here:


I hope this isn't too confusing and someone can help. Thanks.
apache will not serve up files that are not in the designated directories. the default configuration looks here only: /Library/WebServer/Documents/ and ~/Sites.

you can change these locations in httpd.conf, but it is not recommended.

a better option might be to set up anonymous ftp. most web browsers do ftp as well as http, so your downloaders would hardly know the difference.