Sharing iTunes files via iCommune

Pretty cool so far. Had an issue where I couldn't edit the url on a couple of systems, but I think I've got that worked out now.

I still want to see Apple's implementation of this. In the mean-time though this is a suitable alternative.

RIAA kiss my @$$!
Make sure the other machines are running 10.2.3 and iTunes 3.0.1.

That seems to have worked on the two systems I had the prob with.

I was browsing the forum and came across this post for icommune... decided to give it a run and installed it only it hasn't worked and the docs are slim...

I can see the network device and it even has the right (Name) however I can't seem to see any the music. Do any of you have idea why it might not be working? Did you have to configure your Personal Web Sharing or enable WebDAV to get it to work?

after installing the plug-in I rebooted both machines, but still nothing...

Thanks in advance!
Some observations:

1) sometimes you have to click, then move the mouse to get the fields selected when trying to add a URL to the list

2) using rendevous, the actual URL that your machine publishes on is displayed after you turn music sharing on. BUT, the address contains an extra "." that doesn't belong. It looks something like this "http://rendevousname.local./mysharedmusic/Music" when it should read "http://rendevousname.local/mysharedmusic/Music"

3) Between two machines, set up identically (from what I can tell) I can only get one of the machines to recognize the other's music.

Otherwise, it seems to work pretty well.
thanks lipbone...

I made the changes you suggested and thanks for pointing out the extra "." removed it from the URL without problems, but still no music library. I wish I could write that that fix solve my problem, but it didn't. :(

It creates a songinfo.pls and songinfo.pls.gz file inside my iTunes Music folder, but I can't get it to work either machine on my network. I have a G4 400 and a iBook 800 both running 10.2.3 and iTunes 3.0.1

So, I guess I will give up for now. If anyone has any suggestions, I am open. I emailed the developer and explained my problem, so if he/she responds I will post here.

Thanks your help.
Ok, to get mine to work I had to turn personal web sharing on in the sharing preference pane, I had to turn my firewall off, and make sure that the owner of music folder was set to username(me) and the group was staff(me). I also had to change the default shared music folder location in the preferences within iCommune. I think it has some serious potential but there are a couple of bugs that need to be hammered out; such as the ability to continue down an artists list. I've also noticed that it creates a shortcut to the songs in my iTunes library which I don't really want. Other than that though, this RULES!!!
Revision to my earlier statement regarding it working,
it works one direction only at this time. I am trying to figure out if the problem is WEB DAV related will report back soon. Otherwise in the one direction it worked simply following the vendors instructions - note that the first machine had web dav setup and running to begin with where as the second machine does not.
hopefully more info soon
Hey everyone:

Here's what I had to do to get it work for me. The plug-in did not work at all per the developers instructions.

I have been replicate this process with success on 3 different machines.

1.) I enabled Personal Web Sharing
2.) Turned off my firewall
3.) Installed the plug-in
4.) Changed the default location of the share (and I removed spaces in the share name) - that seemed to do the trick for me :D
5.) I enabled sharing within the plug-in
6.) I added a network share pointing to my local computer to test the connection

And it worked... I should also note that I had to start with a new folder for the share and then I added the files to be shared and after each time I changed the share on my local computer where I had the test connection pointing to the local machine, I deleted it and recreated it, which seemed to update the share listing and rebroadcasted it over my local network. So, it finally worked for me and it's great, and I like it. Can't wait until Apple implements this...

thanks for all the help!
In my instance there was a space in between two word in the directory path to the iTunes music directory:
/user/music/itunes/itunes music

I made a new directory

and moved/copied the library , then I pointed iTunes at the new library -

prefs advanced itunes music folder location

reset the icommune sharing set up for the correct new path and everything was up and running.

First of all, you need that last period in the URL name at the end, so don't remove it, contrary to what someone else has said. The extra period at the end of the hostname tells Mac OS X that you're using a rendezvous local name and not typing in a standard URL.

Secondly, to test your set up after turning sharing on to see if your music will be available on the network, type your sharing URL into your web browser. You should get a directory listing of your music and / or folders located in your shared folder.

If you don't, check the error you get. Chances are you haven't given the world read access to the folder. Because your music is streamed over HTTP via the built-in apache Web server, Apache needs access to the shared folder.

This isn't the best security in the world, but what I did is I added a blank index.html file into my shared folder, so if someone happens to type in the direct URL to my shared music all they get is a blank screen.
Well, I actually couldn't find the local URL until I removed that second period. So something odd is happening.

I've also been successful going one way. But for whatever reason, I cannot get my powerbook to transmit.

That tip about the index.html is most excellent.
Hey everyone:

After reading the post from theNonsuch , I went in again to see if I could get the plug-in to work per the developer's instructions.

Here's what I did to get to work in both directions and without having to move my iTunes Music directory and without having to rename it.

1.) I enabled Personal Web Sharing
2.) Turned off my firewall
3.) Installed the plug-in
4.) Checked the permissions on my "users/username/Music" folder and changed the permissons for "others" to "read-only"
5.) I enabled sharing within the plug-in
6.) I tested the URL in a browser, and was able for the first time to browse the music share via a browser http://machineName.local./~username/Music worked perfectly
7.) I added a network share pointing to my local computer to test the connection

And it worked... With out any problems. I also left in the second "." in the url http://machineName.local./~username/Music and was able to see my entire iTunes collection without any other changes. So, I hope this helps. theNonsuch's post help figure out that my problem was the permissions on the folder were set to "No Acces" once I made that change everything worked per the developers instructions. Again, thanks for all the posts and solutions... I am up and running now... All I need to figure out now is how to get my music to play continuously over the connection... more testing...
