Sharing Tab disabled


I am new to setting up mac os 10.4.10 server. by reading some books i was able to set-up user accounts, groups and etc. but when attemting to set-up this sharepoints I can not set it up. The sharing tab in the workgroup manager is dimmed seems like it was disabled. any help on this. I really need to setup sharepoints. thanks in advance
Are you using the same case for the username to login to WGM that was used to create the account to begin with? For example, if you had a short name of "admin" that was created in WGM that you use to login and make your changes, make sure to login as "admin" and not "Admin". It should be the same cases of letters as the original account.

I hope this make sense (and helps) !

Hmmmm. That's the most common reason I've seen. Secondary would be that one of the server side processes quit out. Have you rebooted the server or see anything in the Logs?

Hmmmm. That's the most common reason I've seen. Secondary would be that one of the server side processes quit out. Have you rebooted the server or see anything in the Logs?


Use DIRADMIN for workgroup management with the supervisor password. This should work.

Good luck, kees
The dimming of Sharing shouldn't be related to the authenticated status of a directory administrator to the directory itself. For example, even with the WGM locked:


Conversely, if I connect to WGM using an account like Admin, instead of admin:


Even if you were to authenticate to the directory with a proper domain administrative account, the disabled module isn't available. You are correct that you should always use an account that has domain administrative rights, like diradmin, to actual modify the domain accounts and write to the LDAP. Other accounts can be used to simply connect WGM to the appropriate server though.

Like I said, I've seen this happen in two main instances. One is the wrong case and two is the service having been stalled/crashed on the server side. :)


Thank you very much, following your first instructions made me work in the sharing tab now. The only problem is the letter case as i checked my user acct. Anyway thank you guys for your prompt reply. I appreciate it.