Sharing Windows printer from OS X 10.2.4


I have an Epson Stylus Photo 830 installed on my Windows XP machine and want to share it from my G3. I can't get the printer to show up in the print centre. I've tried all the protocols, but nothing. Is this possible or do I need a third party program

OOPS sorry, i just realised i shouldn't have posted this here, could some nice moderator move me to 'hardware and peripherals' Cheers :eek:

First off you need to make sure that your printer is connected to your mac via a USB or Firewire connection and powered on. Once it is click on the "Device" pop down. The printer name should appear at the very bottom of the list. Select it and then select the appropriate drive from the "Printer Model" pop down.

If that doesn't work could you attach a screenshot of the window (Apple + Shift + 3) in you next post?
I think I must have worded my post badly, I want to keep it installed on the PC, which is always on and print to it from my G3, which isn't always on.

I have set it to be shared in Windows, but I can't see it in Os X 10.2.4

Does OS X support this type of connection?
Go to the Print Center and then the printer list where you see the "Add" button. Option+click the add button then in the dropdown list choose "advanced". If you don't hold down option when you click add the advanced choice will not display.

After choosing advanced you can pick "Windows Printer via Samba" as you device and then fill in the blanks accordingly. I don't know the uri you will need off hand but some googling should turn that up for you.

Good Luck,