shell script - iPhoto - "Caption" & "Filename" - rename to desktop


Hey guys,

I am in the process of finding a way to make a copy of a file in my iPhoto library to a folder on my Desktop, giving it the name i gave it in iPhoto (its Caption).

I get the AlbumData.xml document in ~/Pictures/iPhoto\ Library/
I make a copy of it (in case i ruin it) to ~/Desktop/test/.

I open that file with Property List Editor (xcode tools i think)
I save the file as an ascii file (with .txt extension)

I noticed that the file is full of something i am guessing is STRINGS? or Objects? not sure - but a pair of {} filled with all the info of each of my photos and videos in my iPhoto library.

From here i do the following commands to return the OriginalPath(for movies) and the Caption - for this file: ~/Desktop/test/AlbumData.txt

grep 'OriginalPath\ = .*;' ~/Desktop/test/AlbumData.txt | sed -e 's/OriginalPath\ =\ "//' | sed -e 's/";//' | sed -e 's/ //'
grep 'Caption\ = .*;' ~/Desktop/test/AlbumData.txt | sed -e 's/Caption = //' | sed -e 's/";//' | sed -e 's/"//' | sed -e 's/ //'

What i want to do is something like:
For each instance of "OriginalPath", copy that to ~/Desktop/test/
and give it the "Caption" as its filename

/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2005/06/09/DSCF0774.AVI
will be copied to ~/Desktop/test/
and be renamed to its caption - something like "Holiday_Rome_001.AVI"
and this loops, i guess, for each occurence of "OrignalPath"

anyone got any pointers? Does it make any sense?

Thanks guys!
If you have 10.4, you could do most of this using Automator quite easily. Take a look at some of the iPhoto actions and play around.