Should I buy parallels?

I have been using the trial for the last couple of weeks and have found it most helpful with site testing, but I've been holding off because I would hate to spend the AU$100 only to find Leopard has implemented comparable features.

What do people think? What are the chances of Leopard implementing boot camp with fast-user switching (ie. not requiring reboot), or even full window-in-window virtualisation?

I thought Leopard would have been out by now, it has taken some serious self-control to last as long as I have without buying parallels!!
They _say_ Leopard's BootCamp will only do as much as it does now in beta, i.e. no virtualisation features in Leopard.
Plus: Parallels _is_ quite good, isn't it. Well... I really couldn't say what you should do...
Take a look at VMware's Fusion which is out on Beta at the moment for rfree download. I am finding that a bit better than Parallels at the networking side. The Coherence mode in the new version of Parallels is nice though.
I'd go as far as calling coherence mode superb. If all you need Windows for is one or two applications, you don't want those apps locked into a window. In coherence mode, they at least _look_ quite free. :)
Yes. When you start an app in Parallels/Windows, it appears in the Dock. Drag it to the left (so it stays in the Dock), and clicking it will open the app in Windows. I'm not sure what happens if you do that while Parallels ain't running, though. Gotta test that now. :)

Oooh, nice. :) It acts just like "Classic" does, basically. Starting the virtual machine in just a little window. But the app then doesn't open. I guess it only works (currently) if the virtual machine is already running. But still: Good. :)
I've just been amazed by the pace at which Parallels has advanced, and hwo many user requested features they've included. I was more than happy to give them my money, and I use the program a lot. It allows me to run the few PC programs i need for work on my mac, and so use the mac all day rather than the dodgy wintel laptop i was issued (still have to use a PC desktop though :( )

So I'd say go for it, as long as you have XP that is, otherwise the cost gets quite high for infrequent use, but i had an XP license from a while back.

Oh and I'm with Frkye, coherence is superb!
Here is another thuimbs up for Parallels. It is great and works well. Not perfect but still preaty well. Noe a cheaper cost option is cross-over I helped beta test it and it works well, but not as nice as Paralles.